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  • Visit-and-Teach at Otsu Municipal Ikadachi Junior High School

Visit-and-Teach at Otsu Municipal Ikadachi Junior High School

November 9, 2022

Toray Engineering Co., Ltd.

On October 20, one of our staff members visited Otsu Municipal Ikadachi Junior High School in Shiga to participate in a career guidance class for second-grade students.

The class was held to share typical work-related episodes and attitudes with the students so that they could have a chance to think about their future careers.
In the first half of the class, the staff member introduced personal experiences and episodes, describing what the students should keep in mind when making their career choices. In the second half of the class, the students played volleyball to experience the importance of communication skills development and teamwork.

We rank Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as one of our essential management tasks. As a good corporate citizen, we continue our active involvement in and contributions to local communities through the “Visit-and-Teach” program.

Visit-and-Teach at Otsu Municipal Ikadachi Junior High School
Visit-and-Teach at Otsu Municipal Ikadachi Junior High School